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Thought Leadership

Stacey Webb
Nov 1, 20214 min read
Women in Gaming
Over the past decade, women have poured into the gaming world as 45% of all gamers in the US in 2021 are female, a large uptick from the...

Tammi Taylor
Nov 1, 20215 min read
The Phenomenon of Esports Will Continue to Grow
Esports took the gaming world by storm starting in the 2010s and grew exponentially in 2020, on track to surpass $1.5b in revenue within...

Stephen Bohnet
Nov 1, 20214 min read
It's Not Complicated. Give the Customer What They Want.
Jump to the report here. It's amazing how often we deny customers their basic wishes. Then, when we give them what they want, they...

Stephen Bohnet
Nov 1, 20212 min read
Not Pursuing Sustainability? You're Already Losing Business.
For some companies, sustainability is a core tenet of their mission. At Patagonia, it’s so important that their home page leads with "30...

Tammi Taylor
Nov 1, 20213 min read
(re)Disrupting How We Shop, Again - Amazon Go
The technologies behind Amazon Go have the potential not only to disrupt, but to fully upend the physical retail shopping experience.The tec

Lisa Phelan
Nov 1, 20212 min read
Ch ch ch ch Changes
The true intention is not to just understand personalities, but to become aware of the habits and limitations created by our personality str

Stephen Bohnet
Nov 1, 20217 min read
6 Startup Lessons From My Daughter's Micro-Business
My latest effort to help a startup was with my smallest client yet; RRRafts, which was started by my 11 year-old daughter, Rowan.

Greg Robison
Nov 1, 20213 min read
Google Cardboard: Does it Help or Hurt VR Adoption?
While there is a market for both high- and low-end VR products, does a sub-par experience ultimately hurt the mass adoption of VR? Or does t

Stephen Bohnet
Nov 1, 20216 min read
Innovation Lessons from Building a Playhouse
Six years ago, my wife and I built a playhouse for the kids. Thinking back on it now, much of our experience mirrored the journey one...
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